west bali national park


West Bali National Park is nature conservation with pure ecosystem managed by zone system for multiple research purpose involving the education, tourism and recreation. It is one of the national park located west side of Bali Island with beautiful panoramic, unique nature ecosystem and fresh atmosphere. Bali West National Park or most the local people call Taman National Bali Barat is one of the tourist destinations in Negara Regency and many visited by tourists.

Location of West Bali National Park :
It is situated in west side of Bali Island and close to Gilimanuk Port or about 4 hours drive away from Bali's International Airport. Some of the Bali West National Park Area located in Grokgak sub district, Singaraja Regency and some of the area located in Melaya Sub district, Jembrana Regency. It is very easy to locate it from Denpasar direction to follow the main road go to Gilimanuk Port or Singaraja town to Gilimanuk Port.

West Bali National Park Generally
According to Republic Indonesia Forestry Minister decision written on the official letter no 493/Kpts-II/1995 that Bali West National Park own 19.002,89 ha which is consisted of 15.587,89 ha land and 3.415 ha ocean. The conservation effort toward the ecosystem at this park goes to three objective activities as follows:

  • To protect the ecosystem those support the life
  • Pickling the variety of flora and fauna including the habitat
  • Exploiting everlastingly the nature resources including the ecosystem

West Bali National Park area is a green are spread out along the main road Denpasar – Gilimanuk – Singaraja about 150 kilometers. Topographic of this park own constant gradation between mount, hill, valley, bay and sea. The mountain area is involving up to 71% from the total park area as protected forest with multifarious faunas like deer, forest pig, lion, birth etc. meanwhile the flat area is about 29% located in north part of main road Gilimanuk – Singaraja until Java Sea.
If we look from the conception, this area is a Giri/Gunung or mounts which is completed by the forest (Wanagiri). According to Kidung Utama Tantri script there is a word mention Ning Wana Ukir which gives the direction that the Wana Giri philosophy is well written to describe the total of this world
Flora and Fauna at West Bali National Park

West Bali National Park own high potential of flora and fauna those are consisted of 14 variety of protected floras involving Sawo Kecik (Manilkara Kauki), Sono Keling (Dalbergia Latifolia). From the fauna, Jalak Bali Birth (Leucopsar Rothscildi) is one of the endemic fauna in Bali Island there are pure habitat found in this park along to Prapat Agung and surrounding area. Other faunas can be found at this park involving cow, deer, mouse deer, venison, wild cat, grey and black monkeys. Beside of the above animals, a couple of reptiles and other 60 rash of births also can be found. The condition of coral reef at this park is highly varied with unique combination and multifarious of habitats. In year 1998, it was recorded 110 kinds of coral including 22 mushroom corals and up to now, it was recorded that this park own 222 kinds of fish.

What to do at West Bali National Park ?
West Bali National Park is managed base on zone involving main zone, forest zone and exploitation zone. The main zone is absolutely protected and not allowed to change by the human activities except the research purpose. Forest Zone is the protector for Main Zone and able to do the activities like in Main Zone and limited tourism activities. Exploitation Zone able to do the activities like both zones, build the nature tourism facilities and other facilities to support the conservation. The following activities can be done by visitors when visiting this park as follows:

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